Contact Us

Province of Quebec

Executive Management: general inquiries, prison conditions, social rehabilitation, penitentiary, prison, etc.

Samira Figuigui, Executive Director

Tel: (438) 300-5511, poste 222  Fax: (438) 380-7737

Montreal Office

Claudio Bonatto Gamio

Coordinator of Montreal Services

(438) 300-5511, poste 103

Toll-free number + 1 (855) 780-3016

Quebec Office

Louis-David Bourque

Chez nous! Service Coordinator – Quebec
(438) 300-5511 # 223

Fax (438) 380-7737

945 Rue des Soeurs de la Charité, Québec G1R 1H8

Toll-free number + 1 (855) 780-3016

Map of Verdun where The John Howard Society of Quebec is located

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